Teacher's Aide
Robot-Assisted Instruction for Schools
Meet your new teaching assistant, MOVIA's Teacher's Aide. With a preprogrammed curriculum developed by educational professionals, MOVIA's TA breaks down learning barriers to help children with special needs in both academic and social emotional learning. Find out more below!
Robot-Assisted Instruction for the Home
Meet your new robot friend, MOVIA's HomePal. With a nonjudgmental, friendly persona, the HomePal robot creates a safe and comfortable learning environment that helps children with special needs to thrive. Find out more below!
Robot-Assisted Intervention for Therapy
Meet your new therapeutic assistant, MOVIA's TheraPal. Registered with the FDA as a Digital Health Aide and equipped with the latest in robotic hardware and software technology, TheraPal opens the doors to therapeutic growth for individuals with special needs. Find out more below!
"My son, who is 19 years old with moderate Autism (limited language) has really thrived using his HomePal system by MOVIA Robotics."
- KRISTIN SELBY GONZALEZ, Parent & President of Autism Hope Alliance
"Thank you, MOVIA Robotics ... When I see such big improvement in my son, I thank MOVIA and its great team from bottom of my heart."
- SHADAB M., Parent
"It has been life-changing… I have really enjoyed seeing the robot’s interaction with the students and how it has changed their lives."
- KRISTEN WHOOLERY, Speech Language Pathologist in the Wallingford Public School District
"The kids love the robot; it’s amazing."
- YITTY RIMMER, Occupational Therapist at a Private Practice
"Every day I see something different that he’s doing that he wasn’t doing before."
- ALEJANDRO T., Parent
"These children attach very comfortably to the robot ... They’re wide open for new imprints."
- LISA LICHTENSTEIN, LMFT at a Private Practice & a Clinical Director
Teacher's Aide
For schools and other organizations looking to support those with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other special needs, MOVIA's Teacher's Aide is indispensable. Created by experts in the fields of education and technology, the Teacher's Aide makes educational AI affordable. With a nonjudgmental and friendly persona, Teacher's Aide engages children with ASD and other special needs, helping them to learn skills in a unique and effective way that augments traditional learning methods.
All Teacher's Aides come with a preprogrammed curriculum developed by our team of educational experts to maximize success in the classroom for children with special needs. Additionally, our customization tools allow teachers to add whatever lessons they need.
Social Emotional Learning
Our Teacher's Aide robot can form a peer-to-peer relationship with children, teaching them important Social Emotional skills without the unpredictability that comes with a human being.
Once your school or other enterprise has purchased a system, that's not the end of it. At no extra charge, our specially-trained experts are ready to help you every step of the way, providing a personalized experience like no other.
"Our students with ASD are naturally drawn to the robot. They fully engage with the lessons and are beginning to generalize behaviors such as how to make eye contact, greet people, and ask for help."
- ERIC SPENCER, Director of Education at St. Catherine Academy
"As a teacher of students with severe and varied disabilities, [MOVIA’s HomePal] has been a very welcome addition to my toolbox. He is motivating to students of a variety of levels and skill sets."
- NANCY GARDNER, Homebound Instructor at Oak Hill Schools
"It has been life-changing… I have really enjoyed seeing the robot’s interaction with the students and how it has changed their lives."
- KRISTEN WHOOLERY, Speech Language Pathologist in the Wallingford Public School District
When you're the parent of a child with special needs, you can never have enough support. Created by experts in the fields of education and technology, MOVIA's HomePal brings the latest in educational technology to the home. With a nonjudgmental and friendly persona, HomePal engages children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other special needs, helping them to learn skills in a unique and effective way that augments traditional learning methods.
Social Emotional Learning
Our HomePal robot can form a peer-to-peer relationship with children, teaching them important Social Emotional skills without the unpredictability that comes with a human instructor.
With an expertly-developed academic curriculum included, help your child stay on track by bringing learning into the home with educational methods tailored to their needs.
At no extra charge, our specially-trained experts are ready to help you and your family, providing a personalized experience like no other. From start to finish, MOVIA's educational, tech, and family specialists are available to provide all the assistance you need to help your child thrive.
"This has really given us a light at the end of the tunnel."
- MEGAN D., Parent
"Thank you, MOVIA Robotics ... When I see such big improvement in my son, I thank MOVIA and its great team from bottom of my heart."
- SHADAB M., Parent
"Every day I see something different that he’s doing that he wasn’t doing before."
- ALEJANDRO T., Parent
"The HomePal has become a bridge between school and home services. It has allowed him to practice new tasks outside of those formal settings."
- DAVID V., Parent
"My son, who is 19 years old with moderate Autism (limited language) has really thrived using his HomePal system by MOVIA Robotics."
- KRISTIN SELBY GONZALEZ, Parent & President of Autism Hope Alliance
Created through collaboration between MOVIA's team of experts and clinical advisors, MOVIA's TheraPal makes the latest in therapeutic technology accessible to both clinics and the home. Registered with the FDA as a Digital Health Aide, the TheraPal is focused on delivering Robot-Assisted Interventions. The TheraPal digital health aide, powered by MOVIA’s proprietary software system, assists children with neurodevelopmental delays while providing metrics for assessment in every module. With a nonjudgmental and friendly persona, TheraPal engages individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other special needs, breaking down barriers and opening doors for growth.
Robot-Assisted Intervention for therapy makes it easy to reinforce sessions on a regular basis. Whether it's used in a clinic or in the home, TheraPal delivers consistent therapeutic interventions without overburdening a therapist or parent.
With a nonjudgmental persona, TheraPal makes individuals with special needs feel safe, secure, and heard. Building trust and a rapport with the robot leads to a real relationship that helps a therapist or parent open the door for growth.
Progress Tracking
With its effective engagement and targeted session plans, RAI helps shorten the timeline of progress. The TheraPal Progress Tracker is an FDA-registered medical device data system that collects data during sessions to be used to monitor and assess a child’s progress.